Description: Ideal nail art tools set for people who are interested in nail art. Adequate tools for your choice and ideal for both professional or personal use. Features: Professional manicure tool set and necessary manicure tools. The mouse-shaped phototherapy machine is palm-sized and foldable for easy portability. Used with nail polish, top coat gel, base coat gel, a set of tools, everything. Create a perfect nail shape, 100 nail combinations, durable. The perfect gift for girls interested in nail art. Ideal for professional and personal use. How to use: 1. Gently file the nail surface and manicure 2. Apply a thin layer of primer and cure under the light therapy machine. 3. Choose the right shape and size of fake nails. 4. Apply the gel to the nail mold and smooth the gel with a nail polish and cleanser. 5. Stick it to your real nails, make sure it is fully attached, and then cure under the light therapy machine. 6. Remove the tip of the fake nail, trim the shape and polish the nail. 7. Apply the sealing layer and cure under the light therapy lamp. 8. Design nails with a satisfactory pattern. Specifications: Type: Manicure Tool Set Material: stainless steel, ABS Light therapy machine color: pink Nail polish color: 11,12,13,14,15 + 2 Sequins Quantity: 7 pieces (5 Solid color + 2 Sequins) Package Size: 18 * 16 * 7cm / 7.1 * 6.3 * 2.8in Package Weight: 430g / 15.2oz Package List: 1 * Manicure lamp 5 * Extended plastic 2 * Sequins Extended plastic 1 * Top Coat Gel 1 * Base Coat Gel 1 * Manicure brush 1 * Nail file 1 * Nail Tips Clip 1 * Set of Nail Sticker 100 * Nails #ManicureSet #Beauty #nailarttools #naildesign #Nails #manicure #nailartequipment #NailTools #nailart #NailCare
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Khi mua sản phẩm Bộ 100 Dụng Cụ Chăm Sóc Móng Chuyên Nghiệp từ hệ thống của MLEMBEAUTY bạn sẽ nhận được rất nhiều quyền lợi như sau.
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